Our Gift To You!

It can be difficult to shift more of your focus on yourself and prioritize what is best for you. Feelings of guilt, lack of motivation, or uncertainty about “how” can be enough to keep you from showing up for yourself in the ways that matter most. That is why we provide resources to support you in showing up as your best self and creating what’s next in your life!

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You can unsubscribe anytime (but we know you won’t want to)!

Real Talk With Christina!

Christina’s mission with It’s Christina Hillyard’s Podcast is simple: share life experiences and proven ways to love yourself radically and create what’s next.

Listen to Christina’s podcast, and you will laugh with her, learn from her, and experience your best self!

Don’t miss out on these encouraging audio messages from Christina. Each episode supports you in finding the answers you are looking for!

Want more? Contact us today!

We offer one-on-one coaching, community support, and additional resources with our Inner-B membership.

You don’t have to do it alone, so why would you? Send us a message, email, or call us! We would love to speak with you.

1+ (430) 307-4123