Your Heart Knows The Way

Like all of us, I’ve weathered many seasons—some bright and blossoming, others stormy and uncertain. There were moments when I felt utterly lost, questioning my choices, my purpose, and the path ahead. The weight of disappointment settled heavily on my shoulders, whispering, “Now what?” 

But here’s the beautiful truth: Every season, every twist, every seemingly lost opportunity was a stroke on my life canvas. Each setback, each heartache—it all mattered. Even when I felt I’d lost what I truly wanted, those moments were threads weaving a tapestry of resilience. 

Resilience isn’t about avoiding pain and has nothing to do with the false belief that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”; it’s about transforming it. It’s about gathering those brush strokes—the missed chances, the detours—and connecting them into a constellation of growth.  

So, dear friend, remember that your heart knows the way if you’re feeling lost, discouraged, or unsure. Trust its whispers. Run in the direction it points, even when the path seems uncertain. 

Life is about connecting each experience. Those moments of “Now what?” are the brushstrokes that create your masterpiece.  

And when you question whether you’ll make the right choice, remember this: You can only choose what you hope will be best based on where you are now. To not make a choice and leave it up to someone else or “how the chips fall” is making a choice—one that actually gives away your power. 

You won’t always know what’s best, but you can choose what you feel is best for you now. And find comfort in knowing that every choice, every brush stroke, will be used.  

Lastly, practice self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself when you stumble, or the path feels rocky. You’re doing the best you can with the tools you have.  

Affirmations to take with you: 

✔️I am capable and resilient. 

✔️Every challenge is an opportunity to thrive. 

✔️I trust my intuition and follow my heart. 

✔️I am deserving of love, success, and happiness. 

✔️I embrace uncertainty with courage. 


Start Your Day Right: The Power of Morning Self-Reflection and Gratitude